Member News

Living the good life in West Michigan

Annual Meeting

Watch for community updates and information here.

Winter Luncheons

Everyone is invited to get together on the second Tuesday of the month (January-March) for lunch. Please RSVP to Jan Veldof at (616) 403-9717. Our January lunch will be on the 14th at 11:30 at the Northside Russ’


Our annual Holiday Open House will be held on December 10th from 6pm – 8pm. We will begin with hors d’oeuvres at the home of Miles and Linda Sheldon, 297 WOW. Jackie Guinane will host the dessert portion of the evening at 324 WOW. Please RSVP to Jan Veldof and specify if you are bringing hors d’oeuvres or a dessert. You can call or text Jan at 616-403-9172. This is always a fun holiday event.

Once again the Social Committee is organizing lunch get togethers for the dreary months of January, February and March. We will be gathering on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 11:30, to have lunch and a social time with our neighbors. Locations will be announced closer to the first date. Please RSVP to Jan (call or text) 616-403-9172, so that she can be sure we have enough tables for all who would like to attend.

Lawn and yard waste should be put out next week, October 7th and 8th. The 8th will be the last mowing of the season. Please do not put yard waste out until the night before or morning of the mowing.


The Annual Meeting will be held on September 30 at the Gezelligheid venue, 136th Avenue, #600. A map is included in your packet. Sign-in starts at 6:30 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Refreshment will be served after the meeting.


The Winter Oaks Summer Cookout has been rescheduled for September 17th, at Noroak Court. Arrive at 5:30, dinner at 6:00. Hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, buns, bottled water, lemonade, coffee, and paper products will be provided. BYOB. Please bring a dish to pass and don’t forget a chair. RSVP by Wednesday, September 11th to Jan Veldhof. Please refer to the Member Directory for contact information. Let Jan know if you want hot dogs, and/or hamburgers and how many.


This years ice cream social will be held on August 14 at 7pm on NOC. Please bring a chair. No RSVP is necessary.

PICNIC CANCELLED The potluck scheduled for July 10th has been cancelled due to the threat of storms. The Social Committee will let us know if and when the picnic will take place.

2024 Potluck Picnic will be held Wednesday July 10th at Noroak Court. Please RSVP to Jan Veldof.

2024 Winter Oaks Social Committee has postponed the potluck due to heat and humidity. We will post the new date once it is set.

Come one, come all to the Winter Oaks Summer Cookout Tuesday, June 27 at Noroak Court. Arrive at 5:30, dinner at 6:00. Hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, buns, bottled water, lemonade, coffee, and paper products will be provided. BYOB. Please bring a dish to pass and don’t forget a chair. RSVP by Sunday, June 25th to Jan Veldhof. Please refer to the Member Directory for contact information. Let Jan know if you want hot dogs, and/or hamburgers and how many.

East Meets West Happy Hour will begin June 29th at 5:00 in front of 287 Winter Oak West. It will continue each Thursday through the end of August. Bring a chair and your favorite drink.

Good news! There are now puzzles in the book box!

Thanks to Jan Dalman and Joel and Judy Spykerman for hosting the Progressive Christmas Open House. Everyone had an enjoyable evening visiting and catching up with neighbors, and the food was delicious!

The association members voted to opt out of the 2022 CPA review.

The Annual Meeting was held on September 26th at 7:00 PM at Gezelligheid LLC. There were thirty-four units represented. Fifty-one people attended. Board members presented their annual reports. Cookies and coffee were enjoyed by everyone afterwards.

Please note that the Ice Cream Social has been canceled!

Update from the Social Committee! Every Thursday during the months of July and August there will be an East Meets West Happy Hour beginning at 5:00 PM under the big tree in the front yard at 287 Winter Oak West. BYOB and a chair. See you there!

The painter is making great progress, and has completed 36 doors. He will continue his work during the week of July 11. The new colors look great and are updating the appearance of our buildings.

Great news! The weather has finally improved and the Social Committee is gearing up for summer activities. Please be sure to check our EVENTS tab weekly for more information.

The Michigan DNR is asking that residents stop feeding the wild birds that we enjoy welcoming every summer at our birdfeeders. The deadly and highly contagious avian influenza has been detected in Michigan and is spreading from flock to flock. They are especially concerned about songbirds. So please help save our beautiful birds by not feeding them this summer. Click this link to read more about it. Thanks.

Just a friendly reminder that all outdoor Christmas decorations need to be taken down by January 31.

A quick reminder to NOT dispose of yard waste (organic waste) in your trash cart for weekly pickup. Why is this important? According to Arrowaste, “once organic waste is placed in local and regional landfills, anaerobic decomposition takes place due to limited oxygen supply. With this anaerobic decomposition, methane is created and then released into the atmosphere. Methane is a gas that is far more potent than a greenhouse gas. In fact, it’s more potent than carbon dioxide.” So let’s do our small part to help preserve our Earth.

The next WOCA board meeting will be December 15 at 5:30 via Zoom.

A message for all of the snowbirds: Please don’t forget to fill out the Extended Absence Form online as well as complete the Winterizing/Absence Checklist before you leave.

The next WOCA board meeting will be on October 20th at 5:30. Place to be determined.

The Annual WOCA Picnic was a huge success. Over 50 people were in attendance. Thanks to the Social Committee for organizing everything, and a special thanks to Bob Swartz for grilling the hot dogs and brats.

If you haven’t had a chance to look at the new front door paint samples, they are available for checkout. Contact Steve Haberkorn. Everyone can choose their own individual color! You may paint your door yourself, or wait until spring when the professional painter will do it for you.

Please be sure to read the email sent to all residents on September 8th. It is regarding the cancelation of the in-person Annual Meeting. Soon you will be receiving a packet of information, including reports and voting ballots. Please take note of who you designated to be the voting member!

We are still planning to hold the WOCA Picnic as planned, except in the case of rain.

The next WOCA Board Meeting will be on September 15 at 6:00 PM. Don’t forget to read the August minutes on the Members only page.

The Social Activities Survey has been completed and groups have begun to organize. If you are interested in joining in the fun, contact Jan Veldhof to get started.

Please check your email for the Social Activities Survey. The Social Committee has received enough responses to begin forming groups. Don’t miss out on all the fun! Contact Lorrie Lanting or Jan Veldman is you are interested in participating.

The next WOCA Board Meeting will be on June 16 at 6:00 PM.

If you plan to add new plants and bushes to your landscaping, please review the new Rules and Regulations regarding plantings beforehand. Especially take note that groundcovers in the barked areas are not permitted. The sprinkling system has now been turned on for the season.

Now that warmer weather has finally arrived, please remember to move your grill at least ten feet away from the building while it is in use. Grills cannot be used on decks and patios.

Spring cleanup by Landscape Design will be on Monday, April 12 and Tuesday, April 13. Bark will be put down on Thursday, April 15, weather permitting. It is suggested that you keep your windows closed so that dust doesn’t drift into your condo.

The next Winter Oaks Board Meeting will be on April 21 at 6:00 PM.

Be sure to read the Landscape Design schedule in Members Only. It will answer many questions residents may have about what will be done and when work will be started/completed. Please note that bark will be added to all of the landscaped areas this spring.

Remember, if you have any problems or questions, you can go to ABOUT US  and submit your issues directly to the board.

Thanks for your cooperation

The next WOCA Board Meeting is scheduled for March 17 at 6:00 PM. Don’t forget to check the calendar for upcoming events.


Why was Cinderella a bad basketball player?

Are you enjoying the Brainteasers? Let the board know through Contact Us on the About Us page or the Forms page. Thanks.

Click to find the answer